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Everything you need is on TradingKit.

Trading Software

  • Valuable expert advisors and indicators used by 11,000+ traders
  • Tools that are used by professionals for 10+ years
  • Set of software for both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
Supertrend indicator

Trading Strategies

  • Detailed description of each strategy with rules and hints
  • Performance analysis and backtests of the strategy
  • Live proven track record
Trading strategy

Chart Patterns

  • Visual representations of price movements used for trading
  • Technical analysis studies chart patterns to predict future prices
  • Most useful, profitable, and high probability patterns with examples
Chart Patterns


  • Fair and all-round overview of popular brokers
  • Bonus and competitions updates
  • Pros and cons of every broker in a single place
forex brokers reviews

Set of Advanced and Popular Trading Tools Available

Professional Trading Tools that are used by masters of the industry on a daily basis to gain profit.

Only Three Simple Steps to Start Successful Trading

We have streamlined the process of becoming an experienced trader from novice

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